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South Carolina Multi-Tiered System of Supports


The South Carolina Multi-Tiered System of Supports (SCMTSS)


MTSS addresses the needs of the whole child – academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally – through a holistic and personalized system of learning that incorporates academics and social-emotional behaviors into one framework. This approach recognizes the connection between academics and behavior and addresses both areas simultaneously; such an approach enables educators and support professionals to use data to drive their instructional interventions with students, allowing the student the most growth potential.

This process uses interventions that match the skill that needs to be SCMTSS Framework and Guidance Document June 2019 Page 3 addressed, which was identified through data-driven decision making and progress monitoring to increase that student’s potential for success and graduating high school college and career ready. This SCMTSS framework is proactive rather than reactive because it is a system that challenges educators and support professionals to be lifelong learners by analyzing current systems and making decisions that will improve instructional approaches.

The goal of MTSS is to deliver early intervention for every student who struggles to attain or maintain grade-level performance by effectively utilizing best instructional practices within an evidence-based instructional model. An ongoing, systematic process of using student data to guide instructional and intervention decisions is required.


SCMTSS is founded on six core principles that are essential for students and educators to succeed:

· Leadership

· Building Capacity and Infrastructure

· Communication and Collaboration

· Data-Based Problem-Solving

· Tiered Instruction

· Data Evaluation



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125 Herlong Ave. St. Matthews, SC 29135